CSS Height and Width

In this tutorial, we'll explore the concepts and practical applications of CSS height and width.


What is CSS Height and Width Properties

Before we dive into the practical aspects of using height and width, it's crucial to understand the underlying principles.

Height Property

The height property is used to set the height of an HTML element. You can specify the height in various units, such as pixels (px), percentages (%), viewport height (vh), or even in relative units like em or rem.

/* Setting the height of an element in pixels */ 
div { 
          height: 200px; 
/* Setting the height as a percentage of the parent container */ 
p {
          height: 50%; 
/* Using viewport height units for responsiveness */ 
section { 
          height: 50vh; 


Width Property

Similarly, the width property is used to set the width of an HTML element. It can be defined in the same units as height.

/* Setting the width of an element in pixels */ 
div { 
          width: 300px; 
/* Setting the width as a percentage of the parent container */ 
p { 
          width: 75%; 
/* Using viewport width units for responsiveness */ 
section { 
          width: 25vw; 


The Box Model

When applying height and width properties, it's essential to remember the CSS box model. This model defines how an element's content, padding, border, and margin contribute to its total size. The height and width properties define the size of the content area by default. To include padding and borders in the specified dimensions, you may need to adjust the box-sizing property.

/* Include padding and border in the total width and height */ 
box { 
          width: 200px; 
          height: 100px; 
          padding: 20px; 
          border: 5px solid #000; 
          box-sizing: border-box; 


Practical Applications

Let's explore some common use cases for the height and width properties in web development.


Creating Responsive Designs

Setting element dimensions in relative units like percentages, viewport units, or relative em and rem values allows you to create responsive designs. Elements adjust their size based on the screen or container dimensions, making your website more adaptable to different devices.

/* Responsive design example */ 
.container { 
          width: 90%; 
.item { 
          width: 30%; 
          padding: 2%; 


Controlling Image Sizes

When working with images, you can use height and width to control their display size. This is particularly useful for maintaining image aspect ratios and optimizing page load times.

/* Controlling image size */ 
img { 
          width: 100%; 
          height: auto; 

Equalizing Column Heights

In multi-column layouts, you might want all columns to have the same height. CSS height properties can help achieve this by setting a common height for all columns.

/* Equal height columns */ 
.column { 
          height: 300px; 
          width: 30%; 
          float: left; 


Key points:

The height property sets the height of an element, while the width property sets the width.

You can use various units, including pixels, percentages, viewport units, and relative units, to define dimensions.

Be mindful of the CSS box model, and use the box-sizing property to include padding and borders in the specified dimensions.

These properties have practical applications in creating responsive designs, controlling image sizes, and equalizing column heights in web layouts.



In this tutorial, we've explored the essential concepts of CSS height and width properties. Understanding how to control the size of HTML elements is crucial for building responsive web designs and ensuring the proper display of content.



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