JavaScript const Keyword

In JavaScript, the const keyword is used to declare constants. Once a constant is defined using const, its value cannot be changed or reassigned throughout the program's execution. This chapter is dedicated to exploring the const keyword in JavaScript, understanding its declaration, usage, and considerations for working with constants.

Table of Contents

Introduction to const

Declaring Constants with const

Immutable Nature of const

Block Scope with const

Best Practices

Considerations and Limitations



Introduction to const

The const keyword was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) to allow developers to define variables that remain constant and immutable once they're assigned a value. It's important to distinguish between const and let to use them appropriately for different use cases.

Declaring Constants with const

To declare a constant with the const keyword, use the following syntax:

const PI = 3.14159;

You can also declare and assign multiple constants in a single statement:

const firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe";


Immutable Nature of const

Once a value is assigned to a constant using const, it cannot be re-assigned or changed throughout the program's execution:

const daysInWeek = 7;
daysInWeek = 8; // Error: Assignment to constant variable

It's important to note that the immutability of a constant only applies to the binding between the variable name and the value. If the value itself is an object or an array, the properties or elements of the object or array can be modified.


Block Scope with const

Similar to let, const is block-scoped. It means that a constant declared with const is limited to the block in which it is defined:

if (true) {
  const blockScopedConst = "I'm only visible in this block!";
console.log(blockScopedConst); // Error: blockScopedConst is not defined


Best Practices

Consider the following best practices when using the const keyword:

Use const for values that should not be re-assigned. This enhances code readability and maintains the integrity of your constants.

Use uppercase variable names for constants (conventionally).

Be cautious when working with objects or arrays assigned to constants. Although the binding is immutable, the object or array's properties or elements can be modified.


Considerations and Limitations

Constants must be assigned a value during declaration. They cannot be declared without an initial value.

Reassigning or changing the value of a constant will result in an error.

Constants do not make the values themselves immutable for objects or arrays. The properties or elements of an object or array assigned to a constant can still be modified.


The const keyword in JavaScript is vital for declaring constants that remain unchanged throughout a program's execution. Understanding the immutability and block-scoped nature of const is essential for writing clean and predictable code. By following best practices and considering the limitations, you can utilize const effectively, ensuring the integrity of your constant values and improving code readability and maintainability. Experiment with const in your code to deepen your understanding of its usage and benefits in JavaScript programming.

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